Eagles ------ ???> Captain Blood, Haxoe, Hextex, Mad Max. Eagles is dead. Swede Arrow joined Strange. Eaglesoft Inc (ESI) ------------------- ???> Butcher (crack), Christian, Depeche Mode, Fletcher, Mitch, Prowl The Fugitive, The Head Librarian. Eaglesoft came over from the C64 scene in the very first days of the Amiga scene, and started doing the same thing they did on the C64: crack games. They dominated this scene around 1987. Eclipse [old] ------------- The old Eclipse is little-known, and all that the group ever amounted to was releasing a few cracks from Rasta Catcha. There is no relation to the new group using the name Eclipse. Eclipse (ECL) [new] ------------------- FIN> Axu (sysop 'SWAPDATA', 10/91), Daxer (swap, ex D-Mob, new ca 06/92), Dodger (trade, 07/91-09/93), Marvel (gfx music, 09/93), Optic (code, 09/93-08/94), Peeri (code anim, 09/93), Soldier (music, ex Compact, 09/93-08/94), Target (trade, 07/91), Tom & Jerry (trade, 03/94), Velocity (swap pack trade, 09/93), Vixen (org music trade, 12/92- 09/93), Werewolf (trade sysop 'DRAIN PIPE #2', 10/91-09/93). HOL> Bassnote (music, 09/93), Bazz (gfx music trade, 09/93), CFI (org code trade, 09/93), Crash (sysop 'CRASH CORNER' EHQ), Enigma, Mad Max (sysop, 09/93), Mr.Zen (gfx, 09/93), One (gfx, 09/93), President (sysop 'THE WHITE HOUSE', 09/93), Seven, Spy (gfx sysop, 09/93-08/94), Teak (swap sysop 'NASA HEADQUARTERS', 09/93). ENG> Amos (sysop, 09/93), Aquafresh (music swap, later Eltech old, 09/93), Darkman (ex Plague), Denzil, Grasshopper (trade sysop, 09/93), Jarman (music, 09/93), Melon (gfx swap, 09/93), Moz (gfx, 09/93), Recoil (ex Plague), Saint M (swap, ex Cyanide), St0m (swap, 09/93), Turbo (code gfx, 09/93). GER> The Stranger (music, 09/93). IRE> Arc, Axel, Brendan, Dionysis, Gazzer, Green Beret (sysop 'FORBIDDEN PLANET'), Hokum, James, Jay, Polaris, Punisher. USA> Caffeine (sysop 'PSYCHOSIS'). ???> Bronx Warrior. Finnish coder Relax was kicked due to inactivity late 93. Dutch coder and sysop Overlord-X ('CODERS GRIB') was kicked due to inactivity late 93. Americans Panther (sysop 'OBITUARY') and Metoner (trade) both joined TRSI. This means the American section is officially dead (late 93). English swapper and packemaker 8-Ball (ex Cyanide, old handle Psi) joined Infect. English sysop Image ('IMAGEWORKS', ex Quoram, 09/93) joined Quartex. Destinator (ex Destiny, new mid93) changed his handle to Real, then left to build an English division of Infect mid 93. The English division fusioned with Relay into a new group called Ghost. Headache (File). Landscape (File). Teknicolor Dreams (Slideshow). · Guru Meditation II (1994, 06.08, ECS 40k Intro). code: Optic, gfx: Spy, music: Soldier. Split 24th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. review: Ooooh boy, where to start? Well, the best thing about this little intro is the faked Guru meditation towards the end. I guess the name of the intro should have given me some kind of hint as to why it suddenly 'crashed', but oh no. I was totally fooled and for that alone this one deserves a star. Too bad the rest of thing sucks horses... isn't good. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Eclipx ------ Axe joined Nerve Axis late93. Ecstasy ------- English musician Nightshade joined Crusaders. English graphician Havok left the group late 1990. Intro (1992?, ECS Intro). code: Count Zero, gfx: Shreck, music: n/a. Weird Pack Intro (1992?, ECS Intro). code: Orlanski, gfx: n/a, music: Rogue Male. Ecthelion --------- NOR> Cybermage (founder), Madwand (founder), Quark (founder). Ecthelion was formed by three former members of Avalanche; Quark, Madwand and Cybermage. Eden ---- Bluesilence and Clary joined from Nova france briefly, before they took most of Eden's french members with them to Next Generation Crew. They are: Gandbox (music), Slaine (gfx), Sylver and Silk. Effect (1992-, http://www.xs4all.nl/~radavi/effect/effect.html). ---------------------------------------------------------------- HOL> Clone (code), Dazzler (code), Hi-Fi (code music sysop), Kim (mascot), Radavi (founder mainorg www sysop 'WILD PALMS', doublememb Royal 96, 09/93-96). pc section: HOL> Hawk (music, late95), Native (founder code inactive, 09/93), Striker (gfx, 09/93). NOTMEMBSANYMORE: Kiwi (code swap pack, new early93-12/93), Scan (hol sysop 'DREAMSCAPE' WHQ, 03/94), Sceptre (Martijn Boekhorst, code, 09-10/93), Stranger (ex Silicon Ltd., late 92-09/93), Take, Target, Usura (swap, new mid93-09/93). Effect is a dutch-only demo and board group, formed in the middle of 1992 by Acute, Native, Radavi and Striker. The group has since grown a pc division, but Radavi is still the leader of both sections. Dutch sysop Rubyx ('THE STALLION') left. Doz (ex Divine, old handle Ike, new late92) got kicked. Original founder Acute left the Amiga and joined Hypnosis on the PC instead. Cloak, MSW (Edwin van Rijn, music, 09/93) and Probe were kicked because they released an intro with some offending text at the Bizarre 1996 party. Black Eagle, Sad, Striker and Maverick (music, new late 92-09/93) were kicked late 94. This is a little strange, since Striker is actually one of the original founders! I Want Your Sperm (Demo). Efreet ------ Deep Pan (1996, 06.07, Intro). 3rd in the South Sealand Party 96 intro competition. Elanthia -------- CAN> Nitrolyte (code mainorg, 07/94), Tlotoxl (code music, 07/94), Ogre (aka Grey Mouser, music, 07/94), Tuxedo Dolphin (gfx, 07/94), Neo-Dyne (moral support, 07/94). Elanthia is a Canadian group of 5 members who, once upon a time, decided to try making a demo to help disprove the notion that Europeans are the only ones who make demos. The result was Debut. Debut (1993, 10.04, ECS File). code: Nitrolyte, Tlotoxl, gfx: Tuxedo Dolphin, Tlotoxl, music: Grey Mouser (AKA Ogre). info: The demo is in NTSC. Slight bugs; keystrokes fall through to system, audio filter left on at end. Try pressing space bar during the scroller for a surprise! Electra ------- Tracker left late92. Avenger joined Mad Elks. Electron (1992-) ---------------- FIN> Crux (swap), Duplex (founder, 92), Prophet. Electron is a finnish demo group, formed by Duplex/Divine in the early parts of 1992. They are now dead. All the lamers were kicked, and the remaining members formed a new group called Phase. This concerns _AT LEAST_ P-CU (swap). 1992 - Blink left the group to form a finnish division of Zenith with some friends in the early part of the year. Electronic Artists (EOA) ------------------------ Electronic Artists changed their name to Visual Arts. Electronic Force, The --------------------- ???> Asterix (gfx, 88), Silicon (code gfx, 88), Zeta (code gfx, 88). The Electronic Force Demo 1 (ECS). code: Silicon, Zeta, gfx: Asterix, Silicon, Zeta, music: n/a. The Electronic Force Demo 2 (1988, ECS). code: Silicon, Zeta, gfx: Asterix, Silicon, Zeta, music: n/a. Release at the Vortex 42 Party. Electronic Knights, The (TEK) ----------------------------- GER> Banana (founder gfx music, 12/92), Captain Bifat (Tim Müller, code gfx music, aka just Bifat, 12/92-12/98), Crunchy (code sysop1 'THE FACTORY', ex Sceptic, mid96), Fuszy (codeAM+PC sysop2 'THE FACTORY', ex Sceptic), Mac (swap), Maxwell (sysop 'ANTARCTIC STATION' EHQ, mid96), Placid (Joachim Sobczak, music, ex Analog), Plasma (ex Analog), Red Knight (swap, ex Awake), Steve (sysop 'DIGITAL WORLD' WHQ, quadmemb Section 8, Real! and Quasar, 10/98), Toxic (ex Design). FIN> Deep Madness (swap, 93), Dexter (music, 93), Informer (swap). ???> Mendrik (ex Acrid), Montana Rice (ex Awesome), Prince (gfx, 12/92), Red Knight, Siriax (ex Acrid), Zycro (trade). German swapper Agony (ex Paradise) joined Desire. Doktor, Not Weelan, Fred and Liquid all joined Parasite 06/92. Nearer my God to Thee (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Captain Bifat, gfx: Prince, Banana, Captain Bifat, music: Banana. 9th in The Party 92 40k intro competition. Rampage (1994 or pre, ECS). Choose (1996, 05.04, Demo). Released at The Gathering 96, but has no placing in the competition... Elefant Klubben --------------- UltraBra Demo (1993, 05.08). 9th place in European Computer Conference 93 demo competition. Element (EMT) ------------- NOR> Arcane (01/96), Chriz (swap trade, doublememb Apathy 06/96, early98), Madsen (sysop 'REALITY BYTES', triplememb Honey and FLD [no entry], 01/96), Ten! (swap, doublememb Encore [details], late96). ???> Frenzy (nor? doublememb Encore, 01/96). Elevation (-1993) ----------------- ENG> Reflex (sysop 'A KIND OF MAGIC' EHQ). GER> RCF (sysop 'TRADERS HEAVEN', ex D-Tect), Synchronizer (ex Submission), Ziptronix (sysop 'SPEED WHEEL', ex Submission). ???> Creator (ex Decade, rejoined), Dr.Dre (ex Dytec), Gettler, Grind King, Icecube (ex Dytec). Boards; FLASHTRADE (swe). Elevation was an illegal crew that was (I believe) relatively shortlived. After failing to release anything for a while, the whole group decided to call it quits. They released an intro to announce the fact in late 93. 1993 - Swedish Striker joined Submission early 93. The Swedish division of Legend joined. American sysop Rotor ('GATES OF ASGARD' WHQ) joined Razor 1911 old. · Elevation Died! (1993, late, ECS Intro). code: Pink/Arise, gfx: Falcon/Arise, music: "Intro Number 91" by WOTW/ Essence. review: This intro is nothing special, just an acceptable logo, a glenz vector and a text plotter. It was not made to impress, just to tell the world the news that Elevation died. The release date is based on the module, which is dated 8/93. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Elexion ------- Elexion is now Hoaxers! Elicma ------ GER> DAW (re-scene late92), Nightmare (Manfred Fischer, music swap, doublememb Anarchy [pc], 11/91-12/94). ???> Warrior (gfx, new late92). Most old Elicma members left to form Trash mid 91. Nightmare did NOT leave in mid 91, as stated in some mags. Stone joined Acume. Eltech [old] ------------ NOR> Cosher (code), Hellrazor (raytrace), Pink Panther (sysop), Preacher (code gfx), Splash (/Xcode sysop). ENG> Blind Man (sysop), C-Rad (music), D-Code (gfx swap, new late95), Dr.Octave (music), Inferno (music ascii), Loopy (sysop), Loz (code gfx), Mic Flair (org trade), Orion (code), Quakers (code sysop), Realitor (code swap, late95), Screech (music), Sire (sysop 'MAN EATS DOG', new 04/96), Spangly (code music, ex Neo, new 04/96), Violator (trade). AUS> Muse (music sysop). ???> Aquafresh (music, ex Mellow, new late95). The originally British group Eltech died, and some Norwegians later restarted the group. Among others Dr.Death (01/97), Maze and Skinner from the original group are also in the reborn variety. Outcast is now an Eltech production (04/96). British coder 2Cool left. British musician Assassin left. Finnish swapper Splatterhead joined Scoopex. English swapper Lithium (pack 'Lunch Pak', 01/97) and graphician and swapper Wade (late95) joined Gods late 96. English swapper Devistator (ex Neo, new 04/96) joined Abyss. Hurricane left the scene 04/96. Kurgan, Mr.Anonym, Sheela and Tipper got kicked late 95. Eltech [new] (ELT, 1997-) ------------------------- NOR> Dr.Death (Yngve Dalland, music swap, early98), Maze (Stian Gudbrandsen, music swap, doublememb Massive, early98), MCS (Kjell Espen Johansen, swap, old handle Skinner, early98). Boards; CAFE CHATTERBOX (whq, late97). The old, originally British group Eltech, was reborn by Norwegians members late 97 or early 98. They made a cracktro for Fairlight. Elven 11 (E11) -------------- ITA> Darkman (code, ex Ram Jam, 06/98), Manta (code gfx, ex Vajrayna, old handle Aga, 03/97-06/98), Mat (gfx, ex Vajrayana, new mid 97-06/98), Rio (code gfx sysop 'DISASTER AREA', ex Vajrayna, 03/97-06/98). ???> Calca (music, 06/98). Italian musician Parsec (ex Biosynthetic Design, 03/97) left E11, and possibly the scene. Kermit (old handle Guru Trasher) left. Coder and graphician Slat (ex Vajrayna, 03/97) left the scene. Italian coder Dip (ex Vajrayna, 03/97) left the scene. Dip worked on the "Smart" [03/97] demo. Another Rainy Day (1996, 28.12, 4k Intro). 6th in The Party 96 4k intro competition. · Smart (1997, 30.03, AGA 4MB HD Multifile). code: Manta, Slat, Dip (additional), gfx: Mat/Vrn, Rio, Manta (additional), Slat (additional), Vision-X/Degeneration (additional), music: Parsec. 5th in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition. review: "Smart" is short but sweet, with good effects and excellent design. It opens with an atmospheric intro sequence, with a 'motion blurred starfield', over which the credits are overlayed. The combination of this and the stringbased music at this point makes it remind me of the intro sequence for Andromeda's mindblasting "Nexus 7" [12/94]! It continues with a travel down a bumpmapped triangle tunnel, some very colorful truecolor 'motionblurring crossfade' and 1x1 18bit truecolor bumpmapping! The strengths of "Smart" lies in two things; its superior design and its effort to push the limits of resolution and color. Ofcourse, Parsec's commercial quality techno soundtrack is no drawback either! However, its length is also a small drawback...a demo that doesn't last more than a little while is not a party winner. If this is anything to go by, then I expect E11 to produce a truly great piece of demo entertainment sometime soon! Multifile is a little misleading, as it's just a small executable and a large data file. Though it will work on all 020+ AGA machines, it requires at least 030-25 to maintain effect synchronisation. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · cooperation intro (1998, 03.01, AGA Intro). Released at Trip 98 in cooperation with Elven 11 [details]. Elysion (1993-) --------------- FIN> Blacksmith (trade, 03/93), Destiny (swap), Dr.Gassu (code trade, ex Amaze, 03/93), Galaxy (gfx music, 93), Zecco. SWE> Agressor (new early93), Claustrophobia (new early93), Dyson (new early93), Jedi Knight (new early93), Pluto (code, new early93), Spirit (new early93), Urban Hype (new early93) ???> Fenrir (gfx, 93), Nine (code, new early93), Rodder (gfx, 93), Shrike (gfx, 93), Sure (code, 93), Tim (code gfx, 93), Zardax (music, 93). Boards; ANGEL ICE (swe), BOXEN (ger). Elysion was formed by German and Finnish ex-members of Dominators. The Swedish division was formed by Urban Hype, Spirit, Pluto, Jedi Knight, Dyson, Claustrophobia and Agressor. Some of those finnish members were certainly earlier in Amaze... Zorc was kicked out due to lazyness. German swapper and trader Star left for Absolute 93. Germans 3DK and Convey (Robert Olejnik, swap, new SLH11) left the scene. BBS-Tro (1993, .01/.02, ECS Disk). code: Tim, Sure, gfx: Shrike, Fenrir, Rodder, Tim, Galaxy, music: Galaxy, Zardax. Embassy (EMB, http://www.helsinki.fi/~apjhamal/emb/) ---------------------------------------------------- FIN> Bass-Cadet (gfx music, 08/97-98), Humanoid (code, 12/95-98), Sly (code, 12/95-98), Temen (gfx, 08/97-98). Boards; THE GARDEN WHQ (fin, 98). Thrilled (1995, 12.08, Demo). 10th in the Assembly 95 demo competition. Corona (1995, 28.12, Demo). code: Humanoid, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. 6th in The Party 95 demo competition. Casting (1997, 10.08, Demo). code: Sly, Humanoid, gfx: Bass-Cadet, Temen, music: Bass-Cadet. 3rd in the Assembly 97 demo competition. · Back In Town (1998, AGA 4MB 030 Multifile Demo). code: Sly, gfx: Sly, Bass-Cadet, music: Bass-Cadet. review: Annoyingly, this is one of those demos with an every-other-pixel c2p routine... No matter what anyone says, it will never look as good as solid objects. Having said that, this is not an ALL bad demo, though there is little in the way of groundbreaking effects (they do the standard phong/bump-stuff), there is a certain level of competence evident. With some better pacing, more handpixeled graphics, and a better slightly better sense of what makes a demo work, these guys could go places. The music is of very variable quality. Bass-Cadet's graphics are mostly of the raytraced variety. OK then, but a little way to go yet. I was unsuccessful at trying to run this from RAM, but once I ran from HD with no startup-sequence, it worked wonderfully. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Embora ------ Tomar (1997, 14.12, 64k Intro). 11th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition. · Fecha (1997, 14.12, AGA ?MB File). 6th in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition. review: Sadly, "Fecha" is a demo that's more occupied with showing us endless reruns of the same rendered spaceships/grabbed rollercoaster ride than treating us to anything innovative or interesting. I'm sorry, Embora, but this didn't manage to hold my attention for very long. The good news is: The only way is up! OK, this is not BADLY done, it's just that I feel it doesn't have much of interest for me as a casual viewer. If it had shown all its animations just ONCE, and ran about 30 seconds, it would have gotten a much better rating! This requires some fastmem, though the exact amount is uncertain. Judging by the fact that I had to reboot to run it, should give you some idea... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. E.M.I ----- Swedish graphician Rodney joined Absolute! Empire (1990-) -------------- ???> Batman (swap), Cobra (mainorg1 code sysop), Cross (code), Dave (code crack), Hyperion (mainorg2 code), Jas (code, later Phenomena?), Led (gfx), Mantronix (swe? music), Wergal (phreak), Nibbler (code), Punisher (swap), Pez (gfx), Remo (code), Rip (phreak), Ripper (swap sysop), UFO (sysop). When Software of Sweden (SOS) died, five of its members formed Empire. They were based in Sweden, and were mainly an illegal crew. Parts of Empire joined Supreme. Swedish sysop Istvan ('MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE') joined Red Sector Inc in early 1990. EMS Design ---------- NOR> Stan (early98), Trump (Rolf G. Lunder, org music, old handle Frenger, doublememb Apathy 12/96). ???> Adolf (music, late96), Conroy (music, late96), Robotronik (code swap, late96), Stan (org code gfx, old handle Joker, late96-97), Wiseguy (sysop 'OUTER SPACE', new early98). EMS Design is a Norwegian demo group. 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that Joker changed his handle to Stan, that Vanilla joined, and that norwegian Hellrazor (code, late96) left for Instinct. Subgud (code gfx swap, doublememb Halfmoon Productions, new late96) left for Light late 97. Punisher left for Instinct. 1998 - 4Play was kicked due to inactivity early98. Odorless (Demo). EMT Design ---------- FIN> Zuuni (Jouni Matero, code, 09/93-08/94), KMC (gfx, 09/93-08/94). Heliopolis (1993, 01.09, ECS Trackmo). code: Zuuni, gfx: KMC, music: Dizzy/RCR. info: This refuses to run on my current machine even if I turn off the caches and set chipset to original...so you'll have to be patient for a review until someone decides to give me an A500 or an A2000... :D It's double irritating since earlier notes tell me it ran on the A2000 I once borrowed! Grrr... · GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. · Hard Day (1994, 07.08, AGA File). code: Zuuni, gfx: KMC, music: "Bicykl0pedia" by Heatbeat/CNCD (Tracker Packer 3 format). 12th in the Assembly 94 demo competition. review: How this managed to finish DEAD LAST at the Assembly is a total mystery, since this is one great piece of demo art! There's competence on every level here, from the fabulous code to the excellent visuals to the weird and wonderful tune by Heatbeat. And that's not all: It's ORIGINAL too! Yes, there's a few effects here I haven't seen anywhere else, like Silicon Fractals (the programmer's invention). Coolness! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Encore [old] ------------ Digital Surgery (1992, 15.04, ECS File). code: Daniel Senn, gfx: Erlend Klouman, music: Brainbug/Alcatraz. 4th in The Gathering 92 demo competition. Encore [new] (ECR) ------------------ NOR> Ludde (Ludvig Pedersen, code, 01/96), Ten! (Tor E. Nygaard, swap, doublememb Element, late96). ???> Frenzy (nor? doublememb Element, 01/96). Ludde has coded a c2p routine that is used by several other coders for their demos...it can a.o. be seen in Capsule's "Assault" [96] demo. I find it highly unlikely that THIS Encore is the same as the one above. Encore ------ POL> Caro (gfx 3d, 04/01), MDW (code, 04/01). Seeing as this is a Polish group, I find it highly unprobable that they have anything to do with any of the two groups above. Serial Interference (2001, 15.04, Demo). code: MDW, gfx: Caro, music: Substance/MAWI (Multichannel DSP). 11th in the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition. info: Requirements according to the the info-file is: Amiga, PowerPC, 3D acc with min 8mb of gfx mem, some ram, WarpOS, CyberGraphX, Warp3D, StormMESA (OpenGL), AHI. Endless Piracy (EP, 1990-). --------------------------- GER> Cyfreak (ex Anarchy, new 09/91), Magic Drummer (sysop 'CRACK HOUSE', later Skid Row, 09/91), Merlin (sysop 'WAVESPEED', 91), Shut Berlin (sysop 'WORLD TRADE CENTER', 91), Skyfox (ex Desire). SWE> Xor. USA> Whiz (sysop 'PSYCHO TERMINAL' WHQ). ???> Anarchist (ex Endless Piracy), Angeldawn (gfx), Dual, Fix, Marc (crack), Radical (ex Palace), Salvatore, Skillion, Skywalker. Boards; DIGITAL AMNESIA WHQ (usa), BOARD ROYAL EHQ (ger), ACID JUNGLE (ita). Endless Piracy was born in 1990, and was based in Berlin, Germany. They are now dead. 1991 - German sysop Sniffy ('SPIRITUAL HEALING') joined Energy mid 91. Atomix (sysop) joined Syndicate. The board '007 BBS' is now an Addonic board. Germans Brainstorm and Warlord joined Alpha Flight. German sysop Depode ('SPACE CENTER') joined Skid Row. Germans Mike (sysop 'STATE OF MIND' still?) and Koto (both ex Anarchy, new 09/91) joined The Special Brothers. Cascay (doublemember of Pulse) joined Avantagarde. Sectorcharger, sysop 'LOGIC SYSTEM', joined 2000 AD. Deathbone joined Creed. · Intro (ECS Intro). code: Deathbone, gfx: Angeldawn (aka AD), music: n/a (Future Composer 1.4 format). review: Another old intro, only set apart by the graphics by Angeldawn. Truly a pixel master, AD, I've been a fan of his work ever since I saw my first World Charts. So it's a sine-scroller over a text writer. Nothing new. I've heard the music before, so it's probable that it's just ripped and used here because they didn't have a musician. No release date appears anywhere in the intro. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. EP Are Dead (1991?, ECS Intro). code: Deathbone, gfx: AD, music: n/a. End of Century 1999 (EOC1999) ----------------------------- ENG> Akira, Blade, Dav, Devistator (92), Fleg, Hollywood (music), Leaburn, Leopard, Lez, Real, Rico, Speed, Stryx, Subculture. GER> Beatmaster (ex Red Sector Inc), Lord. NOR> Bacon, Jackass, Rektum Rider. SWE> Avenger (ex Mystic, old handle Captain Blood), Landreth (Kim), Noname, Valiant (ex Mystix, old handle Cruizer). FRA> Cypher and Mery (sysops 'HANG LOOSE'). ???> Brutus, Chaos (new 08/92), Moschops (new 08/92), Muesli (swap, new mid91), Optik (new 08/92), Powerfreak (ex Zone 7 [no entry]), Toxic (re-scene SLH11). Their swapper Muesli is supposedly female. Once-spread rumours about the death of their English division were untrue. 1991 - Shadowman joined Argon mid 91. Messias and Jayce joined Hypnotic mid 91. The german Agressor was kicked mid 91 and also joined Hypnotic. 1992 - Bob left late92. Englishman Pazuzu (new 08/92) was kicked. Zycro (ex Hypnotic) was kicked. German Damion (ex Exort) joined Addonic. Snowy, Mr.T and Boris were never members. Paranoiak and Mercure (fra mainorg) both joined Eremation. Englishman Cyborg changed his handle to Ikari and joined LSD. Mixolydian (1991, ECS Musicdisk). info: 10 average tunes. 7th Sence (1991, 28.12, ECS Demo). code: Stormbringer, gfx: Android, PetsBand, Ramdam, Quaid, music: Mixolydian. Released at the Iris New Year Conference. Endzeit (EZT, 1998-) -------------------- GER> Damion (Jens-Oliver Klokkers, founder writer, 06/98), Noogman (Torsten Asholt, gfx, 06/98), RokDaZone (Henning Brau, founder org editor, 06/98), Virgill (music, 06/98). ITA> The Ripper (Ivan Curzolo, writer, new 06/98). NOR> Zack (gfx, doublememb Spaceballs, 06/98). SWE> Blaze (code, ex Session, new 06/98), E-Moon (code, ex Session, new 06/98), Prospect (Mikael Nattfalk, code, ex Subspace, new 06/98), Psycho (music, ex Session, new 06/98). POL> Blaze (Patryk Kalinowski, swap, ex Nah Kolor and Floppy, new 06/98), X- Ceed (Wojciech Panufnik, music, doublememb Floppy, 06/98). ???> Maq (code, 06/98), Pix (gfx, 06/98), Zig (code, 06/98). Endzeit is a German-based demo group built on the ashes of what used to be Germany's #1 group, Artwork. It was formed by Damion, RokDaZone and Noogman shortly after the death of Artwork in april of 1998. Also italian writer The Ripper joined up to continue his work for the diskmag "Generation". They soon also built a strong Swedish section, recruiting members from Subspace and Session. They also did the masterpiece of recruiting TWO members called Blaze, both the Polish swapper and the Swedish coder! · Generation #26 (1998, mid, AGA HD Diskmag). code: Detector/ex Artwork, Eksec/Infect (additional), gfx: Zack (title1), Orome/Talent (title2), Cougar (main), music: "Longing" by X-Ceed/ Endzeit^Appendix, "?" by Laxical/Scoopex (both Tracker Packer 3 format), editors: RokDaZone, Damion. review: Endzeit's first issue of Generation does not differ significantly from the last ones released under the Artwork label. Little has changed; the code is the same, the graphics are the same... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Generation #27 (AGA HD Diskmag). code: n/a, gfx: Pix (title), music: n/a. Generation #28 (AGA HD Diskmag). code: n/a, gfx: Pix (title), music: n/a. Enemy ----- Serbian coder Haralampie left to join Universal Soldiers (ROM3). Energy (NRG) ------------ GER> Buster and Fuzz (sysops 'ATTACK OF THE KILLER B'S'), NCD (sysop 'SIGN 'O'TIMES', 91), Sniffy (sysop 'SPIRITUAL HEALING' EHQ, ex Endless Piracy, new mid91), Stagediver (sysop 'WORLD IN A WORLD'). AUT> Doom, Malcom, Stranger (06/90), Zinkfloid (ex Grace, later TRSI). BEL> Anthrax, Genius, Minister, Rainman (92). FIN> Blast (swap trade, 02/94-late95), Blogath (music, 08/95), Branca (swap, 93), Comrade (org swap, old handle Docile Drawer, 93-02/94), Dr.Degree (sysop 'RED ALERT'), MBD (code gfx swap, 02/94), Mr.Bigdick (swap), Muffler (music, later Nah Kolor). SWE> Black Wizard (ex Them), Chip (sysop 'NINTH HELL', ex Them), Fireball (ex Them), Highbyte (ex Them), Maniac (ex Them), Maz (ex Them), Noteman (music, ex Them), Techno (ex Them), Wave (ex Them). NOR> Punisher (ex Cycron). ???> Anc (supply, new UPS8^PRP4), Bhn (crack train), Brainwasher (supply, new UPS8^PRP4), Catfish (crack train), Dr.Grell (whq-illegal, re-TRSI), Dream Warrior (ex Damian), G-Tronic (train, new mid 91), Lee (crack train), Lord (supply, new UPS8), MCM (crack), Mike (supply), Nomad (supply), Parallax (supply), Stripe (ex Unicorn, new mid 91), Toccadero or Troccadero (crack train), Trazer (ex Orient), Ufo (ex Orient), Zippy or Zippo (crack train), Zyx (trade), 24X (trade, ex Noxious). Boards; HANGAR 18 WHQ (usa, 02/94), DIGITAL CITY (02/94), GLOBAL CHAOS (ger). Energy was originally based in Austria. When the group Prime died, Storm and most other members joined Energy (EuroChart #11). When Growl joined from Orient, his cheatdisks went along with him, and will from now on be released under the Energy label... Then Growl suddenly left, and I don't know what happened to the disks! Internal problems split the group into two parts; legal and illegal. All graphicians stayed with the illegal part, and all the best members of the legal section will probably join other groups or rebuild Quartex. When Dr.Grell joined from TRSI (mid 94) he rebuilt the illegal part of Energy, and became the world modem organizer for the group. "Analtro" [02/94] announced MBD's plans to open 'THE FUNNY FARM' BBS, but there's no information if there was ever any opening. Zoro (trade) has never been a member, even though he has claimed to be. At one time, now famous Austrian coder Antibyte was a member; he is now the leader of Scoopex. 1990 - Stranger coarranged the Energy Chaos Party in Austria in june with members of Chaos (c64). 1991 - Commander X got kicked mid 91. Austrian Perseus left to join a PD group mid 91. Blackstar, sysop 'DARK CENTURY', joined The Silents mid 91. Optimize, sysop of 'UNITY FIELDS' left mid 91, and joined Legend. Belgian sysops of 'METAL IMPACT', Mad Shitbrain (aka Maddy, new mid 91) and TCB (ex Destiny), both left to join Agile. Junkfood changed his name to Candyman and joined Scoopex mid 91. Another source claimed he joined Legend, but this seems to be untrue - or at least something that happened later. Austrian cracker Stranger left the scene for a while to work on a game, late in the year. 1995 - Polish swapper Action joined Mad Elks late 95. Storm (ex Prime, new late91) and Slider joined Awesome. Shocker joined Pirates. Homeboy joined Punishers. Mr.Foley joined Bastards. Austrian Coon-O joined Manitou. Autrian Status Quo left to join Excite. Major-Midi (ex Jetset) joined Paradise. Tesla, sysop of 'ROAD HOUSE' left to be independent. Beltram, Badamon and Mithrandir (all ex Enigma) moved on to Agile. The boards 'DARK MIRROR' (usa, mid91), 'PROJECT D', 'PANIC ZONE' and 'NO CARRIER' were all kicked. Wild Rage got kicked, and left the scene. Therefore there will never be any more issues of the diskmag he was editor of, "Scene Lyrics". A lot members left for TRSI, OHM and Quartex. Some members from the illegal section rebuilt Quartex in Austria. Danish swapper Growl (ex Orient) joined Fanatic. Musician Snoopy (ex Union, 12/93-02/94) joined TRSI. Greili (code), Antitrack and austrian Jason (aut sysop 'RAP CENTER' later 'HIGH ENERGY' closed) were all kicked. Swedes The Joker, Excel, Atheist, MRK, Nivek and Pete (all ex Limited Edition) joined Vision). Sound Splash IV (ECS Musicdisk). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Backlash (13 tunes!). · Analtro (1994, 21.02, ECS Intro). code/gfx: MBD, music: "Time Bomb" by Snoopy/Union 08/93. review: It's been a long time since I've seen such an appropriate name for a logo'n'texplotter intro. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Enigma ------ SWE> Scythe (sysop 'NORTH CONNECTION', ex Dazzle). NOR> Bjarre, Karl, Keb. GER> Skyfox (sysop 'SKYFOX', 91). ???> Chrome (swe? ex Dazzle), Penthagon (ex Legend, new RAW4), Wizard (swe? ex Dazzle). Boards; SPECTRUM (WHQ ger). Mike (sysop) left. Hawk and MPS joined Utopia. Beltram, Mithrandir and Badamon joined Energy. Deelite (ex Triad) joined Strange after six months. He didn't last long there, though, and rejoined Enigma before moving on to X-Trade. Eon --- NOR> Amateur, B.I.T (music, later Majic 12), Fallos (Sven Deuschmann, swap), New Michelangelo, Pennywise (Rune Johansen, swap), Positron, Viper, Zacco, Zurbitz. Eon were a Norwegian demo group that wasn't noticed much outside their native country. Intro (1991, 30.05, ECS Intro). Ephidrena (EPH) --------------- NOR> Cheetah (Sondre Kippnes, gfx, 11/96-04/01), Cyberstarr (John Kenneth Grytten, code, 11/96), Frequent (Åsmund T. Johansen, music swap, 11/96-04/01), Loaderror (Espen Åmodt, code gfx, 11/96-04/91), Zixaq (04/01). ???> Wad (gfx). Ephidrena is a Norwegian demo group. 2001 - The group release their new demo "Adam Malysz" at Mekka Symposium 2001 in april, where also Frequent contributes a tune to Contraz' 64k intro "1 Week". · Mnemonic (1996, 16.11, AGA 4MB Multifile). code: Cyberstarr, Loaderror, gfx: Loaderror, Cheetah, music: "Senseless" by Frequent (The Player 6.1A format). 2nd in the Kindergarden 6 demo competition. review: By no means exceptional, "Mnemonic" does show some promise for the future of this young Norwegian group. Slow effects mean that the coders need to do some work on their routines, but after all I guess this is true for most coders :). Also the design of the demo leaves a little to be desired, but it will come with time and experience. The best effect here - for its originality alone - is a shadebob-like caleidoscope effect which is truly psychedelic. Frequent's music is nothing exceptional. It's been two minutes since I exited the demo, and I can't even remember the melody :( Bad news for any composer. The exit routine crashed in the competition since it was crunched with StoneCracker. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Recycled (1996, 05.04, Demo). 8th in The Gathering 96 demo competition. Kugalskap (1996, 05.04, Demo). 9th in The Gathering 96 demo competition. Concrete (1999, 28.12, Demo). code: Loaderror, gfx: Zixaq, music: Frequent. Winner of The Party 99 demo competition! · Adam Malysz (2000, .04, AGA HD Multifile Demo). producers: Loaderror, Cheetah, Zixaq, Frequent. 4th in the Mekka Symposium 2000 demo competition. review: "Adam Malysz" is a very bleak, dark and industrial demo. It's more about its ambience and atmosphere than about its effects, we feel. At times it seems a little split in perspective though, with one part being the dark, dirty cyberpunky style and the next still dark and dirty, but with more of an...eastern bloc feel to it, if anyone understands that. From neo-tech to old and sad. A lot of effort has obviously gone into the design of the backdrops in other graphics in this demo, much more than has gone into the coding and music. It feels like the coder's reusing the same routines several times here, with minor variations. Most effects are in shades of grey too, which doesn't help much. The music is not good either, I can get a feel for what they were going for, but not quite get there. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel this demo is not all it could be. It just didn't get me excited. Well, at least it worked on my old workhorse, which is more than I can say for Floppy's demo at this party =] The demo requires setpatch before it will run. No exact credits appear anywhere in the demo or in the archive. Naturally this requires some fast, but how much is anyone's guess. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 32mb fast/3.1. Epic ---- GER> Dot (old handle Wave), Judas (Christian Alfs, music, ex Fate, old handle Satan), Wotan (Christian K, ex Exort, old handle Conan). Epidemic -------- NOR> Pitcher (sysop 'ASYLIUM', 03/92), Terje Hagen (sysop 'TRASHCAN', 02/95-05/97). Epsilon (http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~idr) ------------------------------------ ???> Dancing Fool (code, 92-08/93), Haze (code, 08/93), Link (gfx, 92), Mad Max (music, 92), Vision (code gfx music, 08/93). No Prayer for the Dying (1992, ECS File). code: Dancing Fool, gfx: Link, music: Mad Max. Some Assembly Required (1993, 10.08, ECS Intro). code: Haze, The Dancing Fool, Vision, gfx/music: Vision. 11th in the Assembly 93 40k intro competition. Epsilon Design (e^D) -------------------- NOR> Terminal Silence (doublememb Vision, new 04/96). ???> Cenobite (ascii), Chrombacher (ascii), Cybergod (ascii), Desoto (org, old handle Splat), Fatal (ascii sysop), Frame (ascii), Gozz (ascii), Harpoon (ascii), Java (ascii), Juan (mainorg sysop), Rasta (ascii), Sandman (org sysop), Stash (ascii), Tommy (ascii). Boards; SANCTUARY WHQ, ASYLUM SHQ, ANOTHER STEP, DOMESTIC SUBWAY, MONASTERY OF BLUR, RAVELAND, ZILLION HOURS. Epsilon Design is foremost an ascii artist group, and all members (AFAIK) are ascii artists. 1996 - Crusader (doublememb Giants, new 04/96) left to join Mo'Soul 06/96. Twister joined with 'FLASHBACK' late 95, but news dated 04/96 claims it's offline forever. I have removed Twister from memblist too. Equalizers ---------- ???> Sharp (code gfx, 04/93). 40k Intro (1993, 07.04, ECS 40k Intro). code: Sharp, gfx: Sharp, Sarek/NAX, music: Dr.Fruid/Frogs. 10th in The Gathering 93 40k intro competition. Equinox (EQX) ------------- SWE> Budweiser (gfx music, ex Supplex, new early93, 03/93), Case (gfx, ex Emotion [no entry], 03/93), Chip (code, 03/93), Cybertron (sysop 'AUSGEBOMBT', triplememb Alpha Flight and Orient, 11/94), Deetroy (Jocke Eliason, music, 03/93), D-Luxe (Joakim Falk, gfx music, 03/93-01/95), Insane (swap, ex Relax, new mid 91-03/93), Jonez (gfx, 07/92-94), Loxley (Johan Svensson, music, 94-07/95), Macroman (trade sysop 'TRADERS PARADISE', later Therapy and Infect, 03/93), Marwin (sysop 'DISORDER', 01/95), Mazon (music, ex Addonic, 12/92-03/93), Puke (trade, 03/93), Rapid Angel (sysop 'RAPID HOUSE'), Rille (sysop 'IMAGINE', 01/95), Rioter (whq code sysop 'MEDIA CENTRE' earlier 'TOTAL OVERDOSE', 07/92-07/95), Sleepwalker (gfx music, ex Supplex, new early93, 03/93), Snoopy (sysop 'EAGLES NEST', 01/95), Terminator (sysop 'TECHNO CITY', new early93-03/93), Thug (music, 07/92-03/93), Xstaz (sysop 'ICE PALACE'), Zendor (trade, ex Zeus, new mid91-03/93), Zool (sysop 'ZOOMED REALITY', new early93-03/93). FIN> Fuzzray (org trade swap, 03/93), Simpson (Jonne Hellgren, swap, ex Dictators, new 08/92-03/93), Supra (gfx, 03/93). NOR> Black Angel (sysop 'WONDERLAND', 03/93), Chipdancer (swap, 03/93), Cyntex (music, 03/93), Elfin (93), Fake (swap, ex Demons Design, new early93-03/93), Fizban (code gfx, 03/93), Icebyte (gfx, 05/93-94), Mandrake (music, 03/93), Mirandir, Mr.Nico (gfx sysop 'ATLANTICA', 03/93), Nethead (gfx, 93), Of Course (gfx, 03/93), Ray (org code, 03/93), Spector (code music, 03/93), Tee Djay (code, 03/93), Vip (Lasse, code, 03/93). SWI> Ipsos (late91), Silence (code, ex Chronos, new late91). GER> Tripex (ex Coma). FRA> Monty, Pats. CAN> Diskomate (sysop 'NO LIMITS', 03/93), Suicidal Angel (trade, 03/93). ???> Cee Dee (swe? music, 07/92), Chrome (gfx, 94), Duke (12/91), Stix (ex Chaos, new late91), Tweeter (ex Relax, new mid91). Boards; PSYCHOTIC ASYLUM (swe, 03/93), A DIFFRENT WORLD (swi). Their swedish musician D-Luxe released the CD 'Physiology' together with Lizardking/Razor 1911 in 1994. Rioter, the original coder and editor of the "European Top 20" also coded the "Tequila Chart" for Complex and The Doodles^Shock; see Complex' entry for reviews. Please note that I am not 100% certain that the board Rioter sysop's is 'TOTAL OVERDOSE', it's just my conclusion based on elimination. 1991 - Dragnet sold his Amiga and bought a synth 09/91. The French section was kicked out late 91. Coder Wilderness left the Amiga scene late 91. Master Freez joined The Special Brothers late 91. French sysop Captain Kirq had a visit from the Police, and therefore found it safest to close his board and leave the scene late 91. Enigma, Imperator, Maverick, Skyhawk, Starwars, Stormbringer, The Ace, The Invisible and Zorlac were all kicked late 91. Finnish musician Stargazer joined from The Special Brothers 09/91, but was back within 2 months (tsb member again 11/91). Finnish sysop Dope ('MOTOWN') left between 10 and 11/91. 1992 - The Finnish section left to form a new group called Stellar in early92. 1993 - Swedish Phrasher (ex Dictators, new 08/92) left the scene early 93. 6pack and Lecter (traders) joined Fairlight early 93. Danish musician Reggae left mid 93. Finnish musician Mog (old handles Metronome and McGee, 03/93) joined Delicious. Disk joined Silver Productions. Danes Roscoe and Subra joined Razor 1911. Swedish sysop Silencer ('REPULSE', 03/93) joined TRSI. Swedes Valiant (code), Avenger (music), Fatal, Magnum (gfx, new early93) and Wizard joined Defiance. Swedes Jackpot (swap), Electro (code swap, ex Dictators, new 08/92) and Breeze (music, ex Megaman/Dictators, new 08/92-03/93) all joined Desire. Norwegian swapper Messiah (ex Destiny) joined Banana Dezign. Finnish swapper and trader Darky (03/93) joined Parallax. Graphician Disc joined Rebels new. Swedish sysop V-Cut ('TRADERS ISLAND', then 'ZOOMED REALITY', ex Majic 12, new RAW4) joined Addonic (RAW5). The board later returned from Addonic, with a new sysop; Zool! Syndrome joined Sonic (RAW4). Norwegian graphician Sauron moved from Norway to Denmark, and joined Static Bytes (RAW4) in order to be member of a group closer to where he was. Sauron won the graphics competition at The Gathering 92 with "Beauty and the Beast" while he was still in Equinox. English graphician Opus joined The Silents (RAW3). French musician Zorglub (09/91) joined Analog, probably as early as 1991 or 1992. So What (1991, ECS Demo). Hydrocephalus (pre 1992, .07, ECS File). European Top 20 issue #1 (1992, .07, ECS Filemag). code/editor: Rioter, gfx: Jonez, music: Thug, Cee Dee. European Top 20 issue #2 (1992, .09, ECS Magchart). code/editor: Rioter, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. European Top 20 issue #3 (1992, .11, ECS Magchart). code/editor: Rioter, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. European Top 20 Special Issue #1 (1992, .12, ECS Magchart). code/editor: Rioter, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Information: Special The Party 2 report issue! European Top 20 issue #4 (1993, .01, ECS Magchart). code/editor: Rioter, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. · European Top 20 issue #5 (1993, .03, ECS Magchart). code/editor: Rioter, gfx: Supra, music: "Lucia_Rock!!" by Breeze. review: Graphically appealing, the swedish answer to the Eurochart is at first look a competent little mag. The first thing you'll think, however, is definitely that this looks a lot like the Eurochart... There's the obligatory charts, a gallery section and the mag part. The biggest difference, parhaps, is that this one is a little more geared towards the illegal part of the scene. The magpart is fair, and about par with the later releases of the EC. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Needs KillAGA! The Beast of Prey (1993, 30.05, Demo). 10th in the The Computer Crossroads 93 demo competition. In A Dream (1994, early, ECS File). code: Rioter, gfx: Icebyte, Chrome, Opus, Disc, Supra, D-Luxe, Jonez, music: Loxley. Closed Apart (1994, 03.04, Demo). 11th in The Gathering 94 demo competition. Technical Input (1994, 28.12, Wild). 7th in The Party 4 wild demo competiton. info: Presented on an A4000. Hydrocephalus II (1995, 14.04, Demo). 4th in The Gathering 95 demo competition. · 10 Years of Fun (File). code/gfx: Vip'n'Ray, music: Cyntex. Released for the miniparty of the same name in Trondheim, Norway. review: Not even fast on my machine! I don't know why the routines in this production are so slow - I've seen some of these running at respectable speed on unexpaned A1200's! There's the usual mapping, shading, bumpmapping and the like, all set to a frantic underground techno tune. I won't even go into that, hehe :) The graphics, as such, limit themselves to a raytraced introduction logo. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Eremation (ERM) --------------- FRA> Brainwasher (Pascal Weitten, org code gfx, 06/92-09/97), Ferdinand (music, 09/97), Photo$ (Nicolas Foltzenlogel, gfx, 08/92-09/97), Skull (Didier Sauger, swap trade, 09/97). GER> Dire (Nico Barbat, swap trade edit, 06/96-09/97). NOTMEMBSANYMORE: FRA> Axis (music, 05/94), Fireblade (code, 09/93-06/96), Lost (music), Mercure (ex End of Century 1999), Sigma 909 (sysop 'BOOMING SUPPORT'). GER> Eldorado (swap). NOR> Bright Brick (music, 08/92), Bullet Proof, Shade. FIN> Albin, Optic, Zon (org swap). SWE> Chimera (swap, ex Quartz). ???> Agatron (fra? gfx, 08/92), Iceman, Jeff (code gfx, 06-08/92), Parallax (music, 08/93), Paranoiak (fra?, ex End of Century 1999), Speedy (code, 06/92). Eremation is a French based demo group, without any real accomplishments to show for themselves. They continually keep a pretty high standard for their releases, but nothing ever seems to be extraordinary. AFAIK they've never won a single demo competition. 1991 - Invisible joined The Flashing Bytes mid 91. 1992 - Thor (sysop), Roland (sysop), Nutcase (music) and Visage (gfx) were all members of the finnish division for a while in early 92, before the last three left to join the newly formed finnish section of Deadline. Don't know what happened to Thor. =) Norwegian Massive left 08/92. German swapper Speedhawk joined TSB. Arbitrium, Arcatronic, Creon, Sensei and Picaroon joined Vogue. Intro (1992, early, ECS Intro). code: NewLook, gfx: Shade, music: Bright Brick. Beerfriend Meet (1992, .06, ECS Fileslideshow). code: Speedy, gfx: Cash/Mentasm, Jeff, Brainwasher, music: n/a. Testing It (1992, .08, ECS File). code: Jeff, gfx: Cash/Mentasm, Brainwasher, Photos, Agatron, music: Bright Brick. Braintro (1993, .01, ECS Intro). code: Brainwasher, gfx: Photos, Cash/Mentasm, music: Sound Aestesis/NGC. Nuts (1993, .04, Intro). code: Brainwasher, gfx: Photos, Gremlins/Hypnos, music: Xtd/Mystic. 14k Intro (1993, .06, Intro). code: Brainwasher, gfx: Photos, music: Chip Modules. Adtro (1993, .08, Intro). code: Brainwasher, gfx: Photos, music: Parallax. Outlaw issue #1 (1993, .09, Diskmag). code: Fireblade, gfx: Photos, Brainwasher, music: n/a. Trashcan Compatible (1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). 15th in The Party 93 40k intro competition. Kin BBS Intro (1994, .02, Intro). 666 (1994, 22.04, Intro). code: Brainwasher, gfx: Photos, music: n/a. Released at the Saturne Party II 94. Outlaw issue #2 (1994, .05, Diskmag). code: Fireblade, gfx: Photos, music: Axis, editors: Brainwasher, Fireblade. · Rage! issue #1 (1996, .06, ECS Filemag). code/editor: Brainwasher, gfx: Geist/Gods (main), Photos (title), music: Ferdinand. review: Well, Eremation are certainly right when they announce that this is the first diskmag that's BORN DEAD. They announce that this is both the first and the last issue to be released! First impressions are quite good, with design that's subtly different, nice clipart and a colorful title picture. Now for some serious criticism: What the fuck's the point of making your mag multitask if it's gonna take ALL of your rastertime, probably using some infinite loop that keeps eating those cycles!? This is the height of idiocy. All the good things about a system friendly mag such as this - useless. For the record, RAGE! means Review All Great Events. Yeah, and use all the goddamn rastertime no matter what processor we're running on. RAGE!AUATGRNOMPWRO! Erotic Design (ERC, -1997) -------------------------- POL> Cook (doublememb Define, late96). FIN> Mice (Mikko Ahola, swap, late97). ???> Cadmus (gfx), Elmek (music swap), Ike (code gfx), Pila (ex Convex doublememb, new 06/96). 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that Enter (code, 11/96) left for Scum, that FML joined Scum as a doublemember, that Yappi was kicked and left the scene, that polish MTC/Illusion (music) joined and that polish Timer (triplememb Define and Squeezers) was kicked. Polish members Informer, Flapjack (music swap, ex Convex doublememb, new 06/96), Cooper (code, doublememb INF, 11/96), FML (music, 11/96), Carson and Rappid (gfx, ex Depth, new late96) all left for Appendix early in the year. The King (Pawl Witek, swap, ex Old Bulls, new 04/96), Misha (code) and MTC (ex Illusion) left the group and the scene. Amiflash left for Nah Kolor. According to EuroChart #31, the group died late 1997. Erotica (1996, 23.06, Demo). 3rd in the Polish Summer Party 96 demo competition. · The Black (1996, 10.11, 64k Intro). code: Enter, gfx: Cooper, music: FML (The Player 6.1A format). 7th in the Gravity 96 64k intro competition. review: Erotic delivers an intro of acceptable quality, with some fine graphics by Cooper, but mediocre coding from Enter. It seems time has run off from Enter a little, seeing as the effects he presented here were most hot three years or more ago... Get this for Cooper's work, though - it's top notch! The intro seems to leave the system back badly; after exiting the intro my machine guru'ed after a few seconds. The intro was the first thing I ran, after booting up, so there's no doubt who the culprit was. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Errors, The ----------- Norwegian graphician Bustman joined Crusaders 06/90. Error Team ---------- Sinds (1994, 13.11, Demo) 13th in the Gelloween 94 demo competition. E.S.A. (1988-) -------------- SWE> Norton (10/89). ESA was formed in the middle of june 1988. They are around 20 people in Sweden, Norway and the UK. Escape (-1990) -------------- Escape is dead. First, the main coder in Germany sold his amiga. Then, the German members joined Titanics at the CeBit (03/90) and some others joined Success and Prime Evil. The Swiss members joined Piranhas. The Norwegian members are reportedly doing something for their own... ESG-242 ------- ???> Madokan (code gfx), Power Rai (music), Rockeronic (music). Antro (ECS Intro). code: Madokan, gfx: Madokan, Cube/Arise, music: Power Rai. City at Night (ECS File). code/gfx: Madokan, music: Rockeronic. Eskimoes -------- GER> Boomer (sysop 'THE IGLOO' earlier 'X-TEC', 03/93), Cyclon (gfx, 03/93), Major Bandit, Rosine. ???> Crush (code, 03/93), Demon (code, 03/93), Taroz (music, 03/93), Venom (ex Desert). Fademan left the scene. Greentro (1993, 12.03, ECS Intro). code: Crush, gfx: Cyclon, music: Taroz. Computer Crossroads 93 Slideshow (1993, mid, ECS Slideshow). code: Crush, gfx: Cyclon, music: Taroz. BBS-Tro (The Iglu) (1993, 22.03, ECS Intro). code: Demon, gfx: Cyclon, Taroz, music: Taroz. Essence (ESC, 1992-, http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6620/) ------------------------------------------------------------------ GER> Chromag (Timm Albers, music, ex Dual Crew), Dascon (Bernd Hoffmann, music, ex Iris, later TRSI, 12/97-01/98), Dodger (Daniel Koschera, swap pack, new 94-95), Excess (Bjoern Barnekow, raytrace, ex Rebels), Howie (swap, ex Agnostic Front, 12/93), Poldi (music, ex TRSI, old handle Blackthorne), Rahiem (Frank Meister, org swap, ex Universal Soldiers), Slam (Andreas Melchert, swap pack 'Broken Tankard', ex X-Trade), Slicer (Michael Schroeder, swap pack 'Brainfood', ex Delicious, old handle Fancy), Touchstone (Thomas Jansen, org code, ex Delicious, 04/99), Virgill (music, triplememb Artwork and TRSI, new 94-01/97), WOTW (music, ex The Silents, later Haujobb, 08-12/93). MAL> Mop (Noel Baldacchino, edit, ex Alcatraz, new 02/94-97). SWE> Phase (Torbjørn Malmer, gfx, ex Spaceballs). SPA> Lantium (ex Goblins, doublememb Network, new late97), Phornee (ex Goblins, doublememb Network, new late97). ???> Momo (gfx, 03/97), Storm (ger? swap, ex DCS). Essence was formed by several ex-Delicious members. Their two biggest assets are probably their coder Touchstone, and their diskmag ROM and its editor Mop. Mop joined from Alcatraz in february 1994 since he wasn't content with the way the diskmag he was editor for there, Compass, was heading. The first issue of ROM was released in August of 1994. Nowadays Mop also volunteers time as a coeditor of the PC diskmag Imphobia, from issue #12 onwards. 1995 - Around the middle of the year, they recruited german musician Blackthorne from TRSI, who soon changed his handle to Poldi and contributed music to ROM #5 - the very issue where his joining was announced. 1996 - After persuading two famous artists of times past (musician Chromag and graphicians Gfx-Twins) to return to the scene under their wings during 1996 they have strengthened their German section considerably. They further boosted their abilities with the recruitment of the entire Skarla crew from France. Their demo "Makaveli" reached the second place at The Party 1996, which was the highest placing of an Essence demo ever. Having lost them some time later, we can still say they played an important part in building Essence's good name. 1997 - The end of 1997 saw Essence recruiting their first ever Spanish members; the two remaining active guys from the old Spanish group Goblins. These two simultaneously joined Network, to still have roots in the Spanish scene. 1999 - Touchstone contributed to Haujobb's winning demo "Mnemonics" [04/99] at the Mekka Symposium 2k-1. Swedes Frame (gfx) and Origo (code) ended their double memberships, and withdrew back to C-Lous late97/early98, since they felt they could not contribute anything to the group. After releasing their last demo for Essence, "Thug Life" [03/97] the four frenchmen Horus (3D), Jamie (code), Marvin (music) and Norm (gfx) decided to join Mystic (ROM9). The four had joined from Skarla, and also released the memorable demo "Makaveli" [12/96] for Essence. German swapper Elric (Carsten Henkelmann, ex Speedhawk/Rebels) left the scene. German coder-raytracer Cueball (Dirk Jager) joined from Rebels with Excess, but soon after decided to leave the Amiga scene for the PC. German coder team Zulu & Grey (ex Rebels) left. After a few months of scene inactivity they joined Crux Design. Dutch coder Infant (ex Facet's Pussy/Desire) and the Norwegians Christian Meland (music sysop 'DREAMSTATE'/'ENIGMA' WHQ, doublememb Spaceballs) and Tim were asked to leave the group. This means that the only non-German member is now Mop. This would later change, of course. Anyone know what happened to the third Norwegian, coder Sunjammer? Infant joined Session 12/95. German musician Andy (Andreas Dubois, ex Nuance, 12/94-95) decided to leave the Amiga scene to concentrate more on his career as a musician in Anarchy PC. He was news editor of ROM upto issue #5. Years later, in late 1997, he returned to the Amiga as a member of his old group Nuance. Main organizer P$ aka Powerswap (S. Paschart, ex Delicious) has decided to leave the scene. Touchstone is the new organizer. German graphicians D-Sign (ex The Silents, 12/93-94) and the Gfx-Twins (Calvin Golowski and Arthur Skotnik, ex Universal Soldiers, 95-96) left the scene in favour of game graphics). This is not strictly true anymore, since the Gfx-Twins have now made a comeback in Scoopex! Covert Action Team [CAT] (Groo and Rufferto, 12/93) and musician Dascon, all ex Delicious, decided to leave the scene. Ofcourse, Rufferto's work lives on in the form of the ROM fonts... :) Dascon regained scene inspiration in late 97, and rejoined Essence after a short stay in Iris! German celebrity graphician Fade One (Martin Sauter, ex Lego, new 94) left the scene. German coder Roman (Roman Kaczmarczyk, ex Agnostic Front, 12/93) left the scene. Roman worked on "Cardiac Arrest" [92] and "A.S.S." [93]. · Cardiac Arrest (1992, ECS Intro). code: Roman, gfx: Groo & Rufferto, music: "Folklore" by WOTW (4ch MOD format). review: Just a nicely designed intro, nothing else... There's only one main routine, a dot-cube that stretches, which isn't that much. OK. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA. · Dreaming (1992, .12, ECS 1MB File). code: Touchstone, gfx: Groo & Rufferto, music: "Dcn_Dreamteam.Final" by Dascon (4ch MOD format). review: Cool first dentro from Essence. Good effects, cool graphics. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA. A.S.S (1993, ECS Trackmo). code: Touchstone, Roman, gfx: Groo & Rufferto, music: Dascon, WOTW. info: An HD installer for this demo is available on AmiNet (in games/patch, of all places). · Meeting Intro 93 (1993, ECS Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: Groo & Rufferto, music: Dascon. review: Not terribly exciting I'm afraid. It's a scroll-selector, a scrolltext, and a whole load of glenz-objects on the background. Obviously made mostly for messages, it's not the worst of its type. Selecting Groo & Rufferto's scroll displays their 3rd-ranked picture from The Party 92. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA. · D (1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: D-Sign, music: WOTW. 2nd in The Party 93 40k intro competition. review: Once again Touchstone shows his flair for design. This one doesn't contain anything revolutionary, but the way it is all put together sets it out as a good intro. Nice and cute. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA helps. · Meeting Intro 94 (1994, ECS Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade One, D-Sign, music: Dascon. review: Ahh, cute! I seem to remember hearing that tune before somewhere... Text-writer with moving background. Cool opening logo by Fade One. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #1 (1994, .08, ECS Trackloaded Diskmag). INT - code: Roman, gfx: Covert Action Team, Nose/Jetset (logo), music: Covert Action Team. MAG - code: Touchstone, gfx: Covert Action Team (main), D-Sign (welcome), music: "ROM Theme" by Dascon, "Weird Personalities" by Lizardking/Razor 1911, rditor: Mop. review: ROM kicks off in style, with three fabulous full screen pictures from the Covert Action Team (CAT), and a suitably heavy tune to accompany a kickin' intro. The mag itself doesn't do much worse, opening with a great lego man by D-Sign. The first picture seen in the intro is called "Ambush", already released once before, for the graphics competition at The Party 3. There, it was released under the fictious name of Artcore/Essence, since CAT had already delivered one picture for the competition (S.E.X, which came 6th). "Ambush" came 40th. Lizardking's tune "Weird Personalities" was later re-used in the Razor 1911 musicdisk "Memorial Songs II' [01/95]. A kickdown to KS 1.3 was required to get the mag working on my setup. After this, the mag worked beautifully - without it, it didn't even get to the intro. The mag itself seems well coded, apart from a few obvious glitches here and there. I strongly doubt I have 717 MBytes of chip memory, Touchstone...and I _DO_ have an MMU, no matter what your mag says! The release date is an estimate, based on information contained in the mag. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 -- Note: See review! · ROM issue #2 (1994, .12, ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade One & Uno (titlepic), music: "Depths" by Interphace/Andromeda, "Cranky Phonecalls" by Chromag/Rebels^Polka, "What is a Cable?" by Virgill/Essence, editor: Mop. review: There's certainly nothing wrong with the audio-visuals of ROM 2. It opens with a stonking title picture by Fade One and legendary Uno, showing a rather offensive shark. Very nice. The tunes are all okay too, though Interphace's has the edge. VERY good, with a distinctive beat and a certain groove factor. Content-wise, ROM has always been one of the best mags, so there's not really any reason not to download it and check it out... NOW! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip 4mb fast/3.0 -- note: Highly unstable. · Lost Carrier BBS Intro (1994, 28.12, ECS Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: Cooper/Anarchy PC (logo), music: SMT/Haujobb. Released at the Party 94, in cooperation with Lego. review: It opens with a raytraced logo, and from then on it's a standard intro, complete with background and text writer. Still, like most Essence prods, nice design. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #3 (1995, .03, ECS Multifile Diskmag, 2 disks). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade One (panel^clip), Gfx-Twins (welcome), Rufferto (fonts), music: "Whales Forever" by Mel'o'Dee, "Join The Microcosm" by Virgill, "Musical Empire" by Christian/Spaceballs, editor: Mop. review: The third issue of ROM was the first with a multitasking code. This meant an almost total recoding of the mag, and the first version released had several severe bugs, forcing Touchstone to release a fix soon after. Contentwise; ace. Graphically; ace. Musically: out of sp-ace. Though the package available on AmiNet does not contain it, the original release contained an intro by Sonik Clique. Mel'o'Dee's tune was previously released at the Doom's Day Party 94 competition. That version claimed a fixed version would be out later; maybe this tune is it? · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #4 Intro (1995, mid.05, AGA Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: CAT, D-Sign, music: Virgill and Blackthorne. review: Another nice Essence release, this 'intro' (550k) is cute. There's funny graphics, funny code and a fun tune. What more to say? Text synchronised to the (did I mention it was fun?) music indicate some headlines, and that's it. OK for what it is. Not released with the mag in the distribution on AmiNet, and therefore reviewed separately. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #4 (1995, mid.05, ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade One (panel), Dwel/Desire (welcome), Rufferto (fonts), Eye/Gloom (clip), music: Chromag "Stairways", TJM "Majestic" and BrainBug/Talent "Sincerely Yours", editor: Mop. review: This issue of ROM opens with a picture of a pig's face, no less! This one came out so soon after the last one, it's most probably a world record in release speed! Not much has changed in the looks department; due to popular demand they've even used the great, colorful control panel by Fade One a second time! The opening tune by Chromag is nice, calm and sounds very professional - especially the fill-ins sound cool. It's also a very nice gesture of the ROM team to allow a virtually unknown musician from the UK, TJM, contribute with a tune. "Majestic" is also a calm tune that creates a warm and fuzzy atmosphere. BrainBug delivers one of his trademark funky guitar tunes, which is also a winner! So overall, ROM scores top marks yet again in the audio-visual department. The contents of ROM4 are certainly up to the usual standard, and contain all the usual 'making of', news and debate articles. I particularly enjoyed the articles about TRSI's history, Artwork, and the making of Greenday. As usual, ROM is VERY Rewarding. The release date is approximate, based on things written in the mag. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · The Malta Intro (1995, 09.07, ECS? 40k Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade 1, music: Chris Meland. 3rd in the Somewhere In Holland 95 intro competition. review: A big disappointment, this, from a quality coder like Touchstone. It looks like it was put together in a real hurry, with not enough time to put the thing decently together. It's real short, with two digitized b&w pictures (both of which are totally unnecessary), and two effects; a voxel landscape (which I suspect is supposed to be Malta) and a tunnel/ dungeon effect which could have been done MUCH better. I guess this was put together in honour of Mop, but I think Touchstone could have done him much better justice by not releasing it! · ROM issue #5 (1995, .08, ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade 1 (welcome, panel), Rufferto (fonts), music: "Hard Sun" by Poldi & Virgill, "Postludium" by Brainbug/Talent, editor: Mop. review: This will sound like I'm repeating myself, but there's not really much to say about ROM except it's excellent as always. The articles are interesting, the music's cool (especially Postludium!) and the graphics are totally stunning! I'm constantly amazed by what Fade1 can do in so few colors... Looking at this mag, you can clearly see how he became one of the most respected painters out there! This issue is their one year jubilee issue, by the way. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · CrazySexyCool (1995, 28.12, AGA File). code: Touchstone, gfx: Louie/Insane, music: Virgill. 5th in The Party 5 demo competition. review: I have only one thing to say about this: WOW! This is one of the closest things yet to a perfect production! The code is top-notch, with good, advanced, good-looking effects; there are four great pictures (especially Sexy!) by Louie (now in TBL), and the music is simply groovy! Do I need to draw you a picture? DOWNLOAD! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #6 (1996, early, ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: Touchstone, gfx: TeeVan/Axis (welcome), Phase/Spaceballs (panel), Sumaleth/independent (clip), Rufferto (fonts), music: "Funky Elements" by Marc/Sector 7, "Funky Dog" by Jam & Spoon/indep, editor: Mop. review: The first things that strikes you with the sixth issue of ROM is the nice title picture of men's faces carved in stone by TeeVaan, and the incredible groooove of Jam & Spoon's cool tune! It's so groovy, in fact, that it kept me from getting into the mag for the first couple of minutes just because I was busy listening! I actually have one slight thing that irritates me a little; the panel graphics in this issue is actually the worst they've ever had! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Brainbow (1996, 05.04, AGA 40k Intro). code: Touchstone, gfx: Fade 1, music: Virgill. 2nd in The Gathering 96 40k intro competition. review: This is a good intro, and it's not hard to see why it made it to second place. There's the usual shading/reflective mapping toruses, but what sets it apart is the design, which has always been Touchstone's strongest point. A good one. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #7 (1996, mid to late, ECS Multifile Diskmag, 2 disks). code: Touchstone, gfx: Sumaleth (clipart), Gfx Twins (welcome pic, design), Rufferto (fonts), music: "Kulissit" by Muffler/Nah Kolor, "Milk" by Radix/Balance, "Nose Hole" by Virgill/Essence^ATW, editor: Mop. review: Ahh, Radix' module is divine! Sorry, getting a bit sidetracked, as usual. I just wanted to express how thrilled I am about the second module on this diskmag. Hooray, scene musician rediscovers funk and melody, puts intricate beat down in favour of a nice tune! Amazing! This almost makes all those soulless techno beats worth it. Ok, the mag itself. It's the same ROM, with the same quality articles. Perhaps not as much of immediate interest as with the next issue, #8, but still quite a lot to sink your teeth into. What can I do with an issue of ROM but recommend it? · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #8 (1996, late, ECS Multifile Diskmag, 2 disks). code: Touchstone, gfx: Cyclone/Abyss (welcome), Sumaleth (main clips), Acryl (clips), Fade 1 (clips), Gfx-Twins (design), music: "Return of the Kulissit" by Muffler/Nah Kolor, "Asettelumalli" by Andy/Banal Projects & Azazel/TBL, and "Love Will Come" by Poldi, editor: Mop. review: An issue of ROM is always a pleasure to read, and this is certainly no exception. You can always find some interesting article here, and there's lots of relevant information for the Scenery editor to incorporate into his amazing little collection of text files... :) Seriously, the mag is very good. The code seems very system friendly, happily multitasking with the rest of my system. As a matter of fact, I'm running it in the background right now! Now, from the good to the bad of this system: The mag doesn't release the audio channels when you turn off the music, which means you can't run another player (HiP :) in the background, playing a tune of your choice. Unnecessary, Touchstone! The graphics are nice and functional, though not outstanding. I still remember the images that came with some of the early issues of R.A.W, and I doubt if I'll remember any of the images in ROM 8 in three years. There's three tunes to choose from, neither of which really held my interest. They're just my kind of music, but the excellent code doesn't make that a problem, so why am I complaining? The mag is laid out in such a way that it can just as easily be run from floppy as from your HD. There are two data files in addition to the main executable, which means that you place the second executable on a separate disk to run from floppy. To conclude, it's a very very good mag. It's strong points - the best articles - are the behind the scenes stuff, like Azazel talking about the music for Tint (he's right - the first tune does suck :) and the very knowledgable Sumaleth's graphics reviews. To my mind, he writes a whole lot more interesting than Facet ever did for R.A.W! But what am I keeping you for? Go download this from somewhere and leave me alone so I can read the rest of it! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Virgill Dreams (1996, late, AGA 4MB Multifile Musicdisk, 3 disks). code: Touchstone, gfx: Phase, music: Virgill. review: If you're into some seriously weird heavy metal tunes, with a depressing touch, then this is the music disk for you. Those poems aren't exactly cheerful are they, Virgill? This is (AFAIK) Phase's first production for his new team. I know I'm certainly looking forward to his next one :) The best thing abou this musicdisk, though, is undoutedly the intro. It's nothing amazingly 'wow', but you can't do anything but bow your head to Touchstone's amazing env- and bumpmapping routines. Coolness doesn't half cover how great these look, but you get the idea :) After the intro is finished, the selector itself actually multitasks quite happily. To be quite honest, I'm running it in the background right now, listening to the tunes while I'm typing this. This is certainly the way to do it! VD can be run from floppy if so is desired. It is called a 'christmas present' in the info text, suggesting perhaps a december release? · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Makaveli (1996, 28.12, AGA File). code: Jamie, gfx: Norm, Horus, music: Marvin (The Player 6.1A format). 2nd in The Party 96 demo competition. review: The impressive thing about "Makaveli" is its SPEED. Sure, we've seen objects shaded, mapped, raped and abused before, but never this fast! Geez, these objects FLY around the screen! It's rare to see such a good, advanced demo from someone you've never even heard of before - like these new Essence members. Another thinkg that strikes me is the palette choices. These objects are COLORFUL, and the same KIND of colors seem to go as a red thread throught the whole demo. Not the same colors as such, just similar, which gives it a specific athmosphere. An orange atmosphere, but still... Just some of the things you get to see is a high quality fullscreen zoomrotator with stretching, a colorful tunnel, about 6 simultaneous spacecut Z-Buffer shaded objects and a couple of really cool objects that I haven't seen before, like a rabbit (thank god! If I ever see another yellow duck...) and a man-in-the-moon figure. The music is strange, but then again it would have to be. All good demos have music which is only classifiable by the guy who made it. It's tradition among Amiga demos, and it's been with us ever since the very first trackmo, Scoopex' "Mental Hangover". Oh god, that was a great tune... Ehrm, getting a little sidetracked here, ain't I? Anyway, Makaveli. It's good. Download it. I'm off to find the M.H. agafix. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ROM issue #9 (1997, ECS Multifile Diskmag). INT - code: Prospect, Origo (t-mapper), Scout (c2p), gfx: Frame (design), Claw (objects), music: Soul/Movement. MAG - code: Touchstone, gfx: Louie/TBL (welcome), Frame/C-Lous (panel), Sumaleth (clip), Alex/Corrosion (clip), Nope Dope/Pas Master (clip), Rufferto (fonts), music: "In Your Eyes" by Marc/Syndrome, "Vincent's Car" by Revisq/Anadune, "Elixir" by Marvin/Mystic, "Somewhat Rusty" by Deelite/Balance, editor: Mop. review: Another issue of ROM is here, this time with an intro by C-Lous. It's a quite remarkable little intro, actually, since it almost success- fully combines the 'shaded object' intro with the 'art' intro! It can't really be described easily in my limited space, but it's got great, very unusual design and a fast envmapped object :) Know all you need to now? Oh, and Soul/Movement does the music - it's been QUITE SOME TIME since we heard from that Swedish musician! It's nice to know he's not abandoned us altogether... Then there's the mag itself, of course. The opening article by Mop has always got a wise word or two, and this one's no exception. His comments about the amiga scene are spot on, and I noticed we share a lot of the same thoughts about it. One thing that strikes me is how ROM now suddenly has 4 modules instead of 3 or 2... In my view this is unnecessary, and just eats disk space, especially when all 4 modules are as alike as they are here. All four have a jazzy feel to them, with warm fuzzy instruments. If I didn't know any better I'd think they were all by the same musician! Please note that I'm not complaining about the quality here, just the quantity :) Two modules should always be enough. Why doesn't a multitasking mag like ROM deallocate the audio channels when it's not playing anything? If you'd like to listen to some other music with HippoPlayer while reading the mag, you can't! From this issue on, ROM has a www presence at http://ROM.home.ml.org. · GLE teste A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Thug Life (1997, 30.03, AGA 030 Multifile). code: Jamie, gfx: Norm, Horus, Momo, music: Marvin (2 tunes, The Player 6.1A format). 3rd in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition. review: Jamie is back to prove that "Makaveli" (12/96) wasn't a one-off thing - and succeeds in style. "Thug Life" is even better than his previous demo, with large, fast 3d scenes and good music! There can be no doubt that Jamie's 3d routines are among the fastest on the scene. This demo REQUIRES a 030 processor, but the processor-specific optimizations also show. The 3d environments are further helped by some great textures, which give most objects a dirty, brown cyberpunky feel. "Thug Life" is professional in every respect, and should be in anyones collection. Simply great. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. E.T. ---- Hartcore (1993, 08.11, ECS File). code: E.T., gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Eternity Corp. -------------- ???> D-Man (ex Armada). Ethic (ETC, http://www.potsdam-info.de) --------------------------------------- GER> Big-Rat (Kai Hoepner, mainorg edit, doublememb Abyss early97, later Nuance, 07/96-02/97), Bitbuster (code, 11/96), Cozmo (raytrace, 11/96), Frantic (raytrace, 11/96), Hawk Hunter (hardwaresupply, 11/96), Kit (mascot, 11/96), Lucas (modemorg sysop 'TEUTONIC PLACE', doublememb Lightforce, 11/96-01/97), Madstop (code, doublememb Abyss early97, later Nuance, 07/96-02/97), Magic Max (org, 11/96), Meta (music raytrace, 11-12/96), Mr.U (code, 11/96), Nero (gfx, later Artwork, 11/96), Tumor (raytrace, 11/96). Ethic is a German-only team, most dedicated to the steady release of their newsmag, "The X-Files". Magic Max's board was finally closed late 96, and he is now active only as a funmember. 1996 - Castor (music) is no longer a member. He released a module at Symposium 96 (04/96) which said Castor/ex Ethic. Stingray was kicked after some internal problems around 04/96. German musician Pollux left the scene 06/96. German coder Cueball sold his Amiga and bought a PC again, so he's now left the Amiga scene for good. He was then kicked around 06/96. German graphician Heron was kicked 12/96. German musician Mr.Melody (12/94) is no longer a member. · X-Files issue #7 (1996, 01.07, AGA Filemag). code: Madstop, gfx: SMT/Artwork (title), Nero/Artwork (main), music: SMT/ Artwork, editor: Big-Rat. review: Issue 7 was the first one with a coded interface, all previous editions were just text files. I won't comment too much on the panel or the handling, since it's exactly the same as the one used in issue #13, reviewed below. The intro picture for this issue is rendered. SMT's music is also quite adequate. This mag had multitasking right from the very first issue. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · X-Files issue #11 (1996, .11, AGA Filemag). code: Madstop, gfx: Odin/Illusion (title), Nero/Artwork (main), music: Airon/Phase Distortion, editor: Big-Rat. review: This issue opens with a moody title picture by Odin/Illusion. I saw his slideshow "Walhalla" (11/96) for Illusion, and I didn't like it that much, but this picture from the foogy morning in the woods is a lot better. Not bad! I have split feelings about the music...one of the leads reminds me strongly of 1988, and I can't seem to make up my mind if this is a good or a bad thing... :0 Editorially, this issue is pretty much like all the others. It's november and the scene is gearing up for The Party, but that's about it. Another average issue. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · X-Files issue #12 (1996, 28.12, AGA Filemag). code: Madstop, gfx: Acryl/Acme^Illusion^Session (title), Nero/Artwork (main), music: Meta. Released at The Party 6. review: Nothing exceptional about this release either, it's basically the same old thing. The guest audio-visuals this time is a cosy, christmassy picture by Acryl, as well as a pretty good tune by Meta. I have nothing much more to say about this, really... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · X-Files issue #13 (1997, 03.02, AGA Filemag). code: Madstop, gfx: Raven/Nuance (title), Nero/Artwork (main), Madstop, Big-Rat, Chaos!/Desire (mainmenufont), music: Hardfire/NGC and Intense, editor: Big-Rat. Cooperation with Abyss. review: From this issue on, X-F is a cooperation between Ethic and Abyss, since coder Madstop and editor Big-Rat joined Abyss as doublemembers. I started reading the mag, taking notes, but suddenly discovered - by accident! - that it multitasks quite happily! That's great Ethic, but I'd like to have been told before I filled half a page with notes ;) There's nothing wrong with X-F presentationwise this time either. The only thing you'll need to grow accustomed to is the way you read articles here. Rather than flip right for the next page and down for the next article, you flip right for the next article! I was a little confused by this at first, but soon understood how it worked and after that there were no problems. The tune is quite comfortable reading music, in that it does not irritate and it's not dominating enough to draw attention away from what you're reading. And the title picture by Raven/Nuance is a treat for the eyes. Overall, this is a good, polished issue. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Euphoria (1990-1991) -------------------- SWE> Wico (sysop 'THE GANGZTER ZONE', 10/90). NOR> Mr.Ice (swap, ex Cult, new 12/90). FIN> Larry (swap, late90), Voyager (code, 91). ???> Bootlegger, Fly, Prince (ex Frantic), Shadey, Trashcan (ex Prologic), Zontor. Boards; SURSIK (fin). Euphoria was born late, probably 09 or 10/90, when the group Doom changed their name. Mr.Ice formed the Norwegian section of Euphoria in december. 1991 - The group died in mid 1991. Some members of Anarchy, Tetragon, Horizon and all of Euphoria (including 'THE IRON GATE' BBS, ex RAF, new mid 91) formed Extreme. There are no more Swedish and German sections. The One (ex Prologic) joined Static Bytes. TMB Designs (ex Prologic) joined Kefrens. Tama (ex Prologic) joined Anarchy. Foxhound left. European Software Agency (ESA) ------------------------------ SWE> Mike The Pike (Erik Flodgren). Evacue ------ SWE> Behemoth (music, 08/94), Crilla (code, 08/94), Käjsi (sysop 'SEAGREEN', 08/94), Wolf (gfx, later X-Trade?, 08/94), Ygram (code, 08/94). · Nil: (1994, 07.08, 40k Intro). code: Ygram, Crilla, gfx: Wolf, music: "A Piece of Crap 1" by Behemoth. 23rd in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. review: Ehrm. The best part, I guess, is the font which isn't bad. I'm sorry, Evacue, after this we're bound to believe 'att ni är kassa'. Improve! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Exact ----- Phobos joined Byte Busters mid 91. Exage (1990-) ------------- Exage was formed towards the end of 1990 by the groups Pegasus, Death and Tomcats [no entries]. Exceed ------ SWE> Drakemule (org gfx, 09/92), Joe The Foe (gfx, aka JTF, 09/92-12/93), Mike. Excellence (XLNS) ----------------- Poltergeist joined D-Mob. Meltdown (ECS File). Cooperation with Absence, see there. Excess (EXS) ------------ SWI> Denis (swap, doublemember Apex, 12/94). GER> Warlock (swap, late90). Bubble changed his handle to Polygon Window and joined Depth. Excide ------ ???> Big B (music, 08/93), Milkman (code, 08/93), Ranx (gfx, 08/93). Intro (1993, 10.08, ECS 40k Intro). Code: Milkman, Gfx: Ranx, Music: Big B. 6th in the Assembly 93 40k intro competition. Information: Does not work on A1200. Excite ------ AUT> Status Quo (ex Energy, new late92). Exhouse ------- FIN> Judge (Petri Suutarinen, code, 08/94). · Crap!! (1994, 06.08, ECS 40k Intro). code/gfx: Judge, music: n/a. 26th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. review: This is a waste of time, just a small logo with some color effect in it and a textwriter. It finished dead last. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Exile [old] (1991-) ------------------- NOR> Switch (code, 09/91). SWE> Shike. ???> Rad, Systematique, The Bull. The 'old' Exile has nothing to do with the 'new' ones; the identical names are probably just a result of the new ones not knowing about the existence of the previous group. Dragon Bait joined Lunatics. Norwegian musician Don-Cato joined Talent. Norwegian graphician The Edge sold his machine and left the scene mid 91. . Partyintro (1991, 29.09, ECS Intro). code: Switch, gfx: The Edge, music: Melis/Cave (NoisePacker 3 format). Released at the Arendal party. review: This intro is clearly a case of 'too much', with lots of effects thrown onto the screen. It was this group's first ever release, and unfortunately, it shows. If they can learn the noble art of limiting themselves, then perhaps they can produce something worthwile, but this intro is just another 'let's release something' prod. These words are the ones that are accepted: FUCK, HELP, SWITCH, CODERCHAT, QUIT, CREDITS, EXILE, SWAP, JOIN, THE EDGE, SHIT. The Edge had already left the scene when this intro was released. . GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Partyintro (1992, early). Invitation to The Gathering 1992. Exile [new] ----------- ???> Fazi (music, 08/95), I.F. (Piotr Bizunowicz, swap write, 08/95), Jamer (xode 3dgfx, 08/95), Klatek (gfx, 08/95), Nim0 (Michal Buczko, code swap, 08/95), Tuner (music, 08/95). The 'old' Exile has nothing to do with the 'new' ones; the identical names are probably just a result of the new ones not knowing about the existence of the previous group. It is highly probable that most of these guys are from Poland. · Opal Se Futec (1995, 30.08, 64k Intro). code: Jamer, Nim0, gfx: Jamer, Klatek, music: Fazi (The Player 6.0A format). Released for the Intel Outside 95 64k intro competition. review: OSF opens with some good graphics in the introduction, then shows a fast fullscreen zoomrotator. Next is a texturemapped globe, and then it's pretty much over. The best thing about it, I guess, is the AMOS error message that appears towards the end, which I'm sure was a fun joke when it was shown on the big screen. This would have benefited greatly from some improved music. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Exit ---- USA> Comic. ???> Chrome, Coke, Cube, Pacman. Drumtex joined Cytax. Norwegian swapper Deathbringer joined Flash Productions. Quo Vadis? (ECS File). Information: Also known as '3D Demo'. Exodus (-1990) -------------- FIN> The Skum (01/90), Trug (crack, ex Animate). IRL> Axl. Exodus was a mostly Finnish demo group. They died 06/90, when their members formed Image with Unique and members from Complex and Gate. Little Vecs (ECS Demo). Exort ----- ???> Darkman, Dealer, Mac Gil, Power Cult, Quark (re from Fate). Exort is dead. 1992 - Aliex joined Cyborx 09/92. Conan joined Epic. Smash joined Amaze. German Damion joined End of Century 1999. Trax and some other members joined Fate. Jesus P., Kahn, Gonzo, Douglas (ex Coast), Exciter and Sali-Adalat (ex Sledgehammers, new mid 91) all joined Awake. Exotic ------ Magic joined Unit 4. Exotic Men ---------- FIN> Coltrain, Death, Delsio, Dipsomania (trade, 02/93-03/94), ED-209. Devil was kicked out. Experience ---------- ???> Den (code, 01/93), Ender (gfx, 01/93), Jazz (music, 01/93), Jgl (code, 01/93). Prolog (1993, .01, ECS File). code: Jgl, Den, gfx: Ender, music: Jazz. Extacy ------ FIN> Perlon (93), Spexx (93). Extend (http://www.hoikka.com/extend/index.html) ------------------------------------------------ FIN> Argon (music, 08-11/96), Codex, Crom, Dr.Acid, Duke (gfx, 08/96), Duce (gfx, 12/93-08/96), Electric (gfx, 11/96), Orbis (Heikki Pora, code gfx www, 08-11/96), TBB (music, 08/96), Zero (code gfx, 11/96). Extend is a finnish demo group, born from the very successful c64 group. Several of these members are also active cross-platform, doing both amiga and c64 work simultaneously. Finnish coder Orbis was a member of Halo 08/94, don't know how he got from there :) Sections (1995, 12.08, 40k Intro). 6th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition. Quu (1996, Demo). Released at Demolition 96. · IFA (1996, 18.08, AGA 64k Intro). code: Zero, Orbis, gfx: Duce, Loppu, Hoppu, music: Argon. 4th in the Assembly 96 intro competition. review: Mostly HAM8 effects here, like colorful ripples and the like. I'm sure it's hard to code, but it's not all that interesting to look at, I'm afraid... And the music or graphics doesn't save it either. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Insane (1996, 18.08, AGA HD 4MB File). code: Orbis, gfx: Orbis, Duke, music: TBB. 7th in The Assembly 96 demo competition. review: A little large (4mb filedemo!) for what it offers, this is still a short but sweet production. There are certainly some goodlooking effects here, like a trip down a wiggly road (animation?) and a cool colorful tunnel trip complete with moving lights. The music on this doesn't appeal to me at all, it's just monotonous and irritating. That bass has actually given me a headache now! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Kiitos? (1996, 23.11, AGA 8MB HD File). code: Orbis, Zero, gfx: Electric, Orbis, Zero, music: Argon (The Player 6.1A format). 5th in the Demolition 96 II demo competition. review: "Kiitos?" is a nice production from Extend, with some goodlooking and colorful effects. Unfortunately, the demo doesn't move too fast on my machine. The text file mentions an 040/40mhz or better is recommended, and I have no trouble believing that. Design is adequate though, and neither graphics nor music gets too much on your nerves. There's not a lot of actual drawings here, but what there is is mostly functional. Overall, I'll have to confess I quite like this, though it's quite short for the filesize (2mb, or 4mb unpacked!) The unpacked demo contains the text string '$VER: Kiitos v0.33 BY Extend (22.11.1996)'. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Extensors --------- GER> Botex (sysop 'TEKKNOZOID'). ???> Zyx (code music, 93), Trauma Projects (gfx, 93). Hypnautic Hammer 2 (1993, early, ECS File). code/music: Zyx, gfx: Trauma Projects. Extreme (1991-) --------------- FIN> Bootlegger (Jan Lindfors, swap), Deshay (swap, 92). ???> Hitchcock (ex Rebels), Twist (music, 08/91). Boards; IRON GATE WHQ (usa, ex Euphoria, new mid91). Some members of Anarchy, Tetragon, Horizon and all of Euphoria formed a new group called Extreme in the middle of 1991. 1991 - The French division of Extreme is dead. Krom, Postcard, Atwill, Shup, Clawz (08/91) and Bilbo all joined Delight late 91. Freddox, Fletch and Fishbone joined The Special Brothers late 91. Slaine joined Palace. Barrax joined Brainstorm. The Finnish division of Extreme is dead. Some members joined Brainstorm. Exult ----- GER> Daddy-O (swap, early92). ???> Lyzanxia (late90). Exult was a mainly German group. 1990 - C. Dawn left for Supreme ca 05/90. Most Exult members joined Endless Piracy mid91. Jolly Roger (Diskmag). info: Mentioned in the january 1991 edition of Eurochart, so it was most probably released sometime in 1990. Articles in both English and German. Exxon ----- NOR> Splash (sysop 'FLAME STRIKE', 10/94), St. Eagle (Vidar Lekanger, swap, 94). ???> Mr.X (code, ex Sepultura, new UPS10). Boards; KEY STROKE (nor).